Kids and Dads

Have you ever noticed how proud a father is of his children? And what is even more impressive, most dads not only want to show off their children, but they want to help their children grow. They want really great things for them. They want them to be happy, healthy and full of life.
God is that way with His children too. When we allow God to place us in the palm of His hand we can go anywhere. He feeds us & cleans up the messes we make. He even covers us with things that make us look good and keep us warm.
Of course God takes us wherever He goes, and because we are always with Him we learn to be like Him. Just like a steel ball becomes attractive when it is close to a magnet, the closer we are to Him the more we become attractive like our Father in Heaven.
Love is not always about an emotion. Love just does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. Love just plain cares, and for the right reason. You begin to see that when you love someone you actually WANT to do what is best for the other person, even if it means the end of life for you.
Jesus had that kind of love for us. He did what was in our best interest knowing it would cost Him His life. He left a place where He was totally loved, and came to this world where no one knew Him. Because He loved us He came into our dark, sin filled earth to show us who our Father is, how to live like Him and how to live life to the fullest. He showed us that if we will allow the Father to place us in His hand ALL of our needs will be taken care of. With Jesus, there was no thought of self, only deepest caring for you and for me.
But keep in mind that you and I cannot place ourselves in Gods hands anymore than a little baby can. We have no ability to do anything without Him. And if we are a very young child of God and are really honest with ourselves, we have to admit that we don't even have the ability to ask Him to put us in His hands. But just like a little child we can allow our Father to do whatever He wants, or we can squirm until we fall.
"I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. "