Share the NEWS!
Do you want others to know about God's amazing love? That's our purpose too, so tell your friends about BibleTimelines.com (BTL). If you can, even add a link on your website, or in your church newsletter.
There are many people worldwide who would like to know about this resource, yet unless you tell them they may never find it. You are encouraged to share the good news about God's great love (the Gospel story) with everyone in as many ways as you can think of, and this website can be one more way to share this love. None of our articles, presentations, videos, posters, bookmarks, or timelines are copyright protected, and so if you care to, you may use the information found on this website in any way that you feel will bring honor to the Lord. (Keep in mind that the only purpose of this material is to help people to come to know the Lord better and to love and trust Him more, so please make that your only purpose also.)

Thanks to the efforts of many people like you, BibleTimelines.com is growing rapidly! Thank you!!!
Below are a few suggestions to help you share this website with its message about the love of God:
Use social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even YouTube to tell people what you have found! Click on the "Share" button on this website.
Print these (bookmarks) and hand them out to family, neighbors and friends. Hand them out at work, church and Bible study, etc.
Print these (4x6 postcards) and share a stack with your church, and mail to friends and family.
Print, frame and share these (posters, over 100 posters to print at home) in your home, school, church & even at the laundry mat and grocery store.
Send a personal email to everyone in your address book. (Click on the poster below, save the image, and then attach it to your email.)
Share this resource (BibleTimeLines.com) with your family, friends, church, study group, or youth group.
Place the BibleTimeLines.com address in bulletins and/or newsletters at work, church and school.
- Place a small ad for BibleTimeLines.com in the classified section of your local news paper, "shopper" and/or church magazine.
- Place an ad in a magazine, or even on a billboard beside a busy highway.
- Donate to BibleTimelines.com by clicking on "Donate" in the menu-bar above, or click here.
Click on the poster below, read it, left-click to display the 300dpi image, and then right-click to print it (directly from your browser). If it looks good, print several and display them at your local church (on the bulletin board or in the resource room?), at school, the super market and the laundry mat, gas station, apartment building, plus anywhere else you can think of. (You may need to trim off the excess border and miscellaneous printing, such as page numbers and URL, to make the poster look nice. This is a 300dpi image and can be taken to a professional printer, even places like CVS or Walgreens Pharmacies or Walmart can print these.)
If you have the option of printing color on high quality paper you should find that not only will the poster look better, but it should last longer. If you do not have a heavy, high quality paper, plain paper will work. Please keep in mind that most printers use ink that will run if the paper gets moist, so placing the poster outside where it will get wet may not be the best idea.
There are also 2 ways to print the timelines themselves for sharing with others, or for personal study. To print a large timeline click here.

People are hungry to hear the truth about God and His love. Thanks for sharing the Gospel through BibleTimeLines.com, and may the Lord be praised!
Banners for you to use on your website, or in a newsletter:
If you are a webmaster and wish to place a BibleTimelines.com banner on your site feel free to use one of the following banners, or create something that will better fit your site. - Thank you!

NON-Animated JPG (15kb - 634x102 pixels)

Animated GIF (25.3kb - 468x60 pixels)

Non-Animated JPG (37kb - 400x40 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (89.7kb - 300x250 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (110.7kb - 300x250 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (110.7kb - 300x250 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (108kb - 260x260 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (108kb - 260x260 pixels)

Static JPG Banner (47.6kb - 125x125 pixels)
Link to http://www.Bibletimelines.com
These other url's will work also: